DOI:Ключові слова:
energy saving, intermittent heating, apartment, building energy modelling, EnergyPlusАнотація
Qualitative energy efficiency measures calculation should take into account the interaction between various factors influence and building thermal mode. The main direction of this work is the investigation of outdoor and indoor factors influence on the energy performance indicators and heating system operation mode. Using energy simulation program apartment heat load for constant and intermittent heating modes was analyzed.
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Bilous, I., Deshko, V., Sukhodub, I. Parametric analysis of external and internal factors influence on building energy performance using non-linear multivariate regression models. Journal of Building Engineering. 2018. Vol. 20. P. 327-336.
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International Weather for Energy Calculations. URL:
Deshko V., Buyak N., Bilous I., Voloshchuk V. Reference state and exergy based dynamics analysis of energy performance of the «heat source - human - building envelope» system. Energy. 2020. Vol. 200.
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