DOI:Ключові слова:
spring, movement, acceleration, stiffness, vibration protectionАнотація
Devices that may be affected by vibration loads from rolling stock passing nearby
include automation, signalling and blocking system equipment. Therefore, the currently applicable
regulatory document requires testing of this equipment, including vibration testing. Therefore,
parameters of vibration protection systems of this equipment should be evaluated at the design stage.
Spring sets of vibration protection systems often contain compression springs located in different
directions. Accordingly, some of the springs of the spring set work along their longitudinal axis, while
some springs work across the longitudinal axis, which makes it possible to call such sets combined
spring sets. The literature provides dependences for determining the stiffness of compression springs
that are exposed to vibration both along and across their longitudinal axis. However, determining
the stiffness of combined spring sets is rather difficult. Therefore, in this paper, we consider a method
for determining the required stiffness of combined spring sets and also propose a method for
determining the parameters of springs of combined spring sets during designing vibration protection
systems for equipment located near railway tracks.
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