DOI:Ключові слова:
active rectifier, charging station, charging and discharging characteristics, electric vehicle, energy efficiency, lithium-ion batteryАнотація
The article presents the results of the research of semiconductor converters of charging stations for electric vehicles based on lithium-ion cells. Basic energy parameters and charge-discharge characteristics of lithium-ion and lithium-iron-phosphate batteries are given. The topology of the proposed charging station for electric vehicles based on active rectifier circuits is presented. The parameters of the substitution circuits the battery compartment of the Tesla S electric vehicle are described. The method of fast battery charging with constant voltage and constant current is described, which provides a greater number of battery charge-discharge cycles. A simulation model of the proposed charging station structure with an automatic control system in the Matlab program is presented. The efficiency of the proposed charging station system was calculated for different parameters of the charge current and switching frequency. The results of modeling of electromagnetic processes, indicators of electromagnetic compatibility, oscillograms of input and output currents and voltages of the charging station were obtained.
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