

Ключові слова:

railway, road transport, supply chain, «green» logistics, multimodal transportation, environmental impact, carbon air pollution


Considering the prospects for the formation of a supply chain of goods based on the application of the concept of «green» logistics in multimodal transportation of goods with the participation of railway transport. Studies have found that the introduction of green multimodal technologies is possible by reducing the share of road transport over a distance of 300 km or more. Proposing the direction of savings from environmental taxes on investments in logistics infrastructure. Under these conditions, proposing an economic and mathematical model of a two-stage transport problem of integer programming with fuzzy criteria for optimizing the distribution of container flows between suppliers and consumers, taking into account the environmental criterion.

Біографії авторів

Denys Viktorovych Lomotko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Doctor of technical science, professor, Head of the Department "Transport Systems and Logistics"

Oleksandr Mykolayovych Ohar, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Doctor of technical science, professor, Head of the department "Railway stations and junctions"

Mykola Denisovych Lomotko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Postgraduate student of the department "Railway stations and hubs"

Olga Fedorivna Afanasova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Postgraduate student of the department "Transport systems and logistics"


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