


Ключові слова:

high-strength cast iron, machinability, heat treatment, work-hardening treatment, lubricating and cooling fluid


Industry is in need of high-strength cast irons with a high level of operational properties. The problem is that such cast iron is characterized by a low level of machinability by cutting. The work presents the results of research in the following areas of improving machinability: heat treatment of cast iron, machining and hardening of hard alloy tools, processing using a polymercontaining lubricating and cooling fluid.

Біографії авторів

Наталія Олексіївна Лалазарова, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Technology of Metals and Materials Science

Ганна Леонідівна Комарова, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

PhD, Associate Professor, department of wagon engineering and product quality

Ольга Валентинівна Афанасьєва, National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering Department

Олена Георгіївна Попова, Kharkiv National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Composite Structures and Aviation Materials


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50th Census of World Casting Production  Modern Casting, December 2016. Р. 25–29.

Doru M. Stefanescu. ASM Handbook, Volume 1A: Cast Iron Science and Technology. ASM International, 2017. 772 р. ISBN: 978-1-62708-133-7.

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A Review on Heat Treatment of Cast Iron: Phase Evolution and Mechanical Characterization / Ojo Jeremiah Akinribide and others. Materials. 2022, 15(20), 7109. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15207109.

A review on the machining of cast irons / José Aécio G. de Sousa, Wisley Falco Sales, Alisson Machado. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. February 2018. 94(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-1140-1.

A review on micro-blasting as surface treatment technique for improved cutting tool performance/ Mahendra Gadge, Gaurav M. Lohar, Satish Chinchanikar. Materials Today Proceedings. May 2022. 64(1–2). Р. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.05.196.

Application of coolants during tool-based machining – A review / Khor Zheng Yang and others. Ain Shams Engineering Journal. Vol. 14, Is. 1, February 2023, 101830. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2022.101830.


