https://doi.org/10.18664/1994-7852.209.2024.314345Ключові слова:
high-strength cast iron, machinability, heat treatment, work-hardening treatment, lubricating and cooling fluidАнотація
Industry is in need of high-strength cast irons with a high level of operational properties. The problem is that such cast iron is characterized by a low level of machinability by cutting. The work presents the results of research in the following areas of improving machinability: heat treatment of cast iron, machining and hardening of hard alloy tools, processing using a polymercontaining lubricating and cooling fluid.
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A Review on Heat Treatment of Cast Iron: Phase Evolution and Mechanical Characterization / Ojo Jeremiah Akinribide and others. Materials. 2022, 15(20), 7109. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15207109.
A review on the machining of cast irons / José Aécio G. de Sousa, Wisley Falco Sales, Alisson Machado. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. February 2018. 94(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-1140-1.
A review on micro-blasting as surface treatment technique for improved cutting tool performance/ Mahendra Gadge, Gaurav M. Lohar, Satish Chinchanikar. Materials Today Proceedings. May 2022. 64(1–2). Р. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.05.196.
Application of coolants during tool-based machining – A review / Khor Zheng Yang and others. Ain Shams Engineering Journal. Vol. 14, Is. 1, February 2023, 101830. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2022.101830.
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